Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There are certain people who were just meant to have these things. When I say “these things,” I mean love, attraction, family, friends, motivation, success. I know that there are people that I want to be close to, but for whatever reason, it will never happen. Maybe it just can’t happen. I feel like I was so close to being happy at one point. Now I feel like I’m about to fall off the world. It’s like a record that keeps spinning and someday we’re all going to fall off. Not all of us jump off though. Some people fall off happy and real. Some people get stuck on a scratch and their life becomes this rut, a broken record that can’t or won’t fix itself. A giant conveyor belt at the checkout line. Have I been scanned yet? Do I need to scan myself? Am I in your bag of groceries or am I alone and in someone else’s. Am I going with the flow or did I roll off to the side…somewhere where you’ll forget about me. This is where it ends. The last stop is here. When do I get off this roller coaster that's spinning 900 mph into oblivion? When will people realize that they're just fragile pieces on this record player that spins us all? The gift is playing us right now.

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